Hurray!!! The Matchplay is on

Well on Friday it was confirmed by the PDC that the World Matchplay will be played & covered on Sky Sports. This is great news and another step forward to the long road to normality. It was said that a decision on July 4th would be made to see if their will be a crowd involved.

This isn't going to happen, And I wonder why the PDC are hoping for this, Experts have warned it could be 6-24 months before crowds are allowed back into sporting events especially into indoor venues where its more likely you can pick up the virus. I believe that people should not get their hopes up for a crowd. This will take place behind closed doors.

Good to see the Home Tour was a success and it was a good finals day with Nathan Aspinall being the winner. Wonder if he is going to be given a GSOD Place?

Remote Darts 2 league stage finishes its league stage and its been long winded but competitive and i believe the 4 ladies taking part will improve their games moving forward, Cant see anything but James Richardson winning this event, He looks a real class act.

Since my absence on Twitter. I thank Martyn Waller for running the COTW (Cunt of the Week). Hopefully this will keep going and there have been worthy winners in the last couple of weeks.

Lots of hypocrisy floating around on Twitter, some of it from a certain TV breakfast presenter who is more interested in his brand and not anything else, People are slowly cottoning on to this.

Keep safe everyone!


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