Social Media update, English Football is back & Darts

Hi All,

I'm on another social media site, A new site called Parler. Obviously its isn't as big as Twitter yet but i will be posting my Darts content on there (In due course) & on this blog.  Not ruling out a return to Twitter. But if you want to chat to me I'm on there, Search for "OcheBalboa1"

The Premier League & Championship is back, Not the same without crowds but good to see some English Football at last. Newcastle looked good so did Crystal Palace, West Ham look doomed, Arsenal are a midtable side now. The Championship threw up some surprises with Leeds losing. People have moaned about no crowds, We all like to see crowds but with the pandemic this is how its going to be for the next few months, we will all get used to it and then the crowds will slowly come back. It's a shame we cant get Steve McManaman off commentary.

Although I seen some Tennis played today with some crowds in Eastern Europe, So its back in some form already.

We are getting close to Darts restarting with the Summer Series, Its going to be a strange experience for all PDC darts players has they will be under strict rules whilst staying at the hotel. But for the money/Prize on offer its a small price to pay as they will be 100% looked after & safe. A decision will be made in early July about where the World Matchplay is going to be held. Its almost impossible for it to be played with crowds at Blackpool.

Something interesting I've seen about Steve Brown launching Amateur Darts (Called MAD) , there are many bodies at the moment who want something to do with this side BDO, WDF, MAD, UKDA, Tri Nations. It would be good to see some unified agreements but that isnt going to happen with people like Des Jacklin involved.

Best Wishes everyone



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