The Coronavirus & The Media

The Media have been terrible with reporting the how Coronavirus pandemic in the UK, It seems currently they are ignoring the feel good stories and highlighting things that might not happen & using a nasty culture of scaring people.

For example "Birmingham Live" tweeted a story  about 233 people dying in the last 24 hours (This simply isn't true) & "Fears of a 2nd wave loom" (No evidence). Yet no story of Birmingham having no new cases in the last 24 hours, Surely that's positive news for a big city right?

It simply designed to scare people. People are already gripped with fear over this virus and many have hardly left their house in 12 weeks, further increasing fears of mental illnesses in the long term which will be a real evidence of a "2nd wave".

I've simply ignored it and decided to read elsewhere and other twitter accounts (Yes i'm banned but i can still read Twitter) & looked into data myself

Here's some facts I've found

- Today was the lowest number of people in hospital admissions in England since March (265)

- Also its the lowest number of people using critical care beds in the UK (327)

- Its also the lowest number of people currently in hospital since 23rd March (3,270)

- The Daily averages is the lowest its been since March (177 for 7 days)

- The lowest 7 day average of test by specimen date, This has been decreasing for 65 days (280)

- 61 Local Authorities have not reported a case for the last 7 days (A number which is increasing)

The UK Government have been poor, lacking direction & painfully out of depth in handing this pandemic but the virus is getting in control, Issues with backdating will be a factor for a good time yet, But stick to the rules!!!

Sources for data (

And David Eaton's Twitter (

Still at least its not long till the darts is back, Normality is inching closer with that. My next blog will be about the BDO/ 3 Nations/ UKDA war that's going on in the background.

Take Care



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