Tommy Thompson Letter to WDF- 11th June 2022

 From: Tommy Thompson <[email address redacted]>

Date: 11 June 2022 at 10:50:04 BST

To:[email addresses redacted, but includes Nick Rolls, Richard Ashdown, Buddy Bartoletta, Bill Hatter, Matt Porter, Adrian Battersby, Ian Flack, Dave Allen, Vic Sexton, Jean Haywood, Peter Melton, and various sponsors such as One80Dart, Wayne Taylor @ The Corner Group, and Cuesol]

Subject: Communication to World Darts Federation

Dear WDF,

I write to you yet again, due to the recent announcements from the ADC which is being backed by both Winmau and PDC. Although this announcement is currently aimed at the UK market, nevertheless history tells us that we are the area where these companies try out their projects. We ignore these latest developments at our peril.

I am not a Golf fan, but only today is the start of the destruction of their system from individuals with a fat cheque book, who can cherry pick players with the offer of fantastic rewards, with no regard to Golfs current system, being responsible for the development of their sport.

The Saudi’s have made it clear they are going to move into other sports with a 60 Billion fund at their disposal. Whilst you may think this is not going to impact on us (The WDF and the Country organisations) however we are facing exactly the same future, but from a different source.

If I may explain, these independent companies PDC, ADC are putting together structures which we cannot under our current internal restrictions defend ourselves against. They are at liberty of holding events should they choose 365 days of the year. The structure of their events is localised into areas/towns/cities where 16 – 60 minimum players compete over many events to qualify for their grand finals. These players don’t have to travel far, and once they have attended once and gained a point, that is the hook that gets them to continue on their projects. They have no concern about when our events are being run, or how many they run; as they are a private organisations whose motive is profit, not the best interest of our sport.

Let’s not be so naïve to understand that once their new initiative has made considerable inroads in the UK, it won’t be rolled out across Europe, according to their promotions literature and “you tube” video, they have employed full time Global development director of operations.

If they are able to pay someone full time, you have to bet and believe they are serious about what they can achieve.

Current our situation is, we can only stage a maximum of 6 events a year to counter act the opportunities they are rolling out to the darts players, we all know that there is only 1 pie, and all these alternative opportunities dilutes that pie. Resulting without any doubt in our abilities not only to counter act their move into the market place, but more concerning will affect attendances we previously relied on. Just look at the development tour and challenge tours, this is just another potential nail in our coffins.

England Scotland and Wales realised this scenario 18 months ago, and formed a company which is owned by the three companies in an attempt to protect all our futures.

If the three countries ran their current allocations of 6 events each, that would amount to 18 events, however it is unlikely that would be achievable. However as the Tri Nations Darts organisation belongs to the three countries, we did ask could for instance Scotland or Wales apply for the points for the British Open, if the three countries agree to this, it doesn’t make any difference to the WDF system of events in a specific region, it doesn’t affect the numbers being allocated to the WDF Major’s. If we as the three countries are agreed to share our assets, for the greater good, why isn’t that a positive move forward for all of us.

We are not independent private promoters; we are members of the WDF, on the “shop floor” trying to protect our current system and futures, with one hand tied behind our backs, in essence we are your foot soldiers.

If a slight change in your rulings were made to accommodate our request, this in turn could release ranking points to be used during the season at other events. Currently no matter how many request we may have about running events, we have to turn them down, whereas our opponents have a free hand to run, whatever, whenever or how many.

I realise we cannot make knee jerk reactions to new developments within our sport, but these have been in the background for a couple of years now, and Winmau have come in with the cheque book to underpin them.

Going back to the Golf scenario, look at what the PDC has done to our Women’s side of the game, a company which has always insisted darts is not gender based, suddenly sees an opportunity with Fallon, to make some money. They alter their own companies remit, and introduce a so called ladies tour, directly in competition to our newly introduced Premier Gold events, events which the countries concerned agreed to fund. I am very cynical as to the PDC’s long term ambitions for this event, I believe this is a short term scenario, (make hay whilst the sun shines), mainly because we are all aware the ladies game doesn’t attract the numbers to make it financially profitable, and once Fallon as their poster girl starts to falter, or the paying public no longer see her as more than just a novelty, they will drop the whole thing. However their partners the ADC, recently become their arm in promoting ladies darts, with very minimal prize funds, but the hook again of a grand finals place. So they are reducing the finance they put in place, the prize money is a pittance, but some of our high profile players have bought into this, despite what the ambitions of the WDF are, or the finance the countries invest into ladies darts through their events for decades in their support.

This will result in the countries no longer being able to fund ladies darts, which will be a detriment to our abilities to attract global numbers of attendees to our events.

Where do the ladies go, when the PDC drop them, and they will, as they have in the past, they will not care, it’s a business, and unprofitable parts of the business will cease to run? Once the system has broken down, it is gone forever.

The PDC will believe that darts isn’t on the agenda for the Saudi’s, but history once again, has proven that once you have an elite of players, who will look after themselves, and have no compulsions about abandoning the system which has provided wealth for them during their careers.

Once the Saudi’s, or whoever decide there is a financial benefit to be had in any sporting market place, and have the available funds, to walk into any sport, secure broadcasters (and there are many out their looking to fill their schedules), then everyone needs to be looking at how and what they need to do, to survive.

Or to a lesser extent in our sport of darts current Winmau, who probably see the future as being locked into the PDC/ADC, which they will believe gives them a better opportunity to corner a massive percentage of the market place going forward, thus putting their commercial partners out of business, in particular Target, Darts Corner and One80 in Europe, Bulls in USA.

Winmau are not stupid, they may in the meantime continue to give us scraps off the table, whilst investing their main bulk of financial support to the PDC/ADC.

Unfortunately this is how I see the future unfolding, all we can do is adapt as best we can, but we have to become like cheetah’s when we address the issues confronting us today, being tortoise’s or getting around to addressing these, when we have the time, or when we can all get to a meeting, then we have lost. I must applaud you all for picking up the pieces after the debacle of Des and the BDO, but sadly this is not winning the day or our future on its own.

We are in a completely different era than we were two years ago, players who attended events around the world and Europe are declining because of the other pressures on their disposable income, which is borne out by the reduced participation on all our events, players are more likely to look at what the costs are, which will enable them to still play darts, maybe not for the same rewards, but what is affordable to them.

I know I have sent in other letters, which are just as important, but we are at a cross roads, we have seen packages of attending WDF world team events, becoming financial unrealistic for us to fund through our current opportunities of running events. Like others we are running Major events at a loss to keep them in the WDF calendar, this is not a realistic proposition going into 2023.

No one said life is easy, and neither is being responsible for running our countries, but for us we are on the verge of downsizing to an extent of being irrelevant within the sport of darts in England, and the consequences which will follow for our side of the sport.

Tommy Thompson

On Behalf and with agreement of England Darts, Wales Darts, Scottish Darts


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