"BDO" Players and its GSOD Future... Is it over?
On Friday, Alex Moss from the Weekly Dartscast ran a good & interesting article about the future of the BDO spots with comments from Richard Ashdown & Steve Brown, Both gave excellent points and it was food for thought. Personally, Its tough for the WDF to sell itself for spots in any Grand Slam, I've been vocal on Twitter, Forums and other social media about the need to include BDO Players in the event. But people can easily turn around and say "What do they bring to the table"? And these people are right, No WDF player would have made much of a difference to the event and this is at a vast contrast to players who graced the Grand Slam as BDO Players such as Anderson, Waites, O'Shea, Hankey, Waites, Adams & Durrant. If you look at the Rankings and you will see Ross Montgomery as the world number 1. Would he have offered anything to the event? you will be hard pressed to think not judging by his BDO TV form in years gone by. Wayne Warren entered this yea...